Aluminium industry
Extensive tool solutions for a versatile metal
The mechanic strength of aluminium is almost the same as that of iron with only one third of its weight. Based on this as well as many other specific features aluminium is being applied in many areas – in building material, in aircraft construction, in automobile industry but also in everyday items such as, e.g. packaging.
This is why we made it our business to optimally meet your demanding requirements for aluminium processing. With more than 50 years‘ experience and, of course, with tools Made in Germany for all current circular sawing machines.

Our services…
Highest economic efficiency
Optimal material utilization due to thin kerf
Low set-up cost and tooling cost thanks to long service life
Long tool life
Due to the employed carbide we can make sure that our tools have an optimised tool life – which means for you: Less wear with simultaneously longer utilisation.
… for you
Optimised design
The specifically arranged design ensures smooth running, low vibration and low noise during work. All features from which the quality of our tools – and thus your work – benefit.
Extensive advice
Because we are convinced that customer service is fundamental to success. If you have any questions concerning our products or their application you will find all answers with our application engineers.